الأربعاء، 22 ديسمبر 2010

For all the garlic

Local varieties of garlic
Garlic originated varieties currently known in the world as a result of vegetative propagation through a long period of cultured. The difference between these items: the size of the plant - the date of maturity - yield - the proportion of solid material - chemical composition - size and number of teeth (lobes) in the head.
Known varieties of garlic are used in local agriculture at the present time the names of the areas where they are deployed, namely:

1. Kiswani garlic and attributes: small-sized plants - leaves a narrow blades - consists of the head of a large number of teeth (lobes) Small Size - early maturing species - and he is known as "good" storage.
2. Yabroudi garlic and attributes: large-scale plant species - blades relatively broad leaves - the head consists of a small number of teeth (5-10) age - relatively larger size of the Age of Kiswani - Kiswani lower quality in terms of storage.
3. Income recently classified foreign garlic and spread cultivation in Damascus and Homs is not yet known his real name and origin, and is characterized by the following: plants are very big - papers with blades wide - head, teeth (lobes) are very big (an average of 38 g to age one) number in the range of 5-6 per head, teeth and sometimes gives his plants the heads of age and single / large onion /.
It is expected for this product a big future in the manufacture of dried garlic.

The Ministry is currently import and experience of some foreign varieties of garlic to estimate the extent of their success under the circumstances and the environmental achievement of the wishes of the required consumption of fresh and manufacturing.

First: the procedures followed in the cultivation of this crop

1. Suitable land:
Largesse of garlic cultivation in the occupied yellow light and heavy, and do not succeed in cultivation because of the heavy clay soil produced small heads of poor training and poor marketing of prescriptions as a result of adhesion of soil particles with the total root.
As Atjod grown in sandy soil for not maintaining adequate moisture for plant growth.
And shall be ground free of weeds and perennial Kalngel Resin, because these herbs from the bad influence on the growth of plants, and thus on the amount of the crop.
2. The agricultural cycle:
Prefer to grow garlic in a three-year cycle in which exchange with leguminous crops, family and others, to be counted in this session as an onion with garlic in equal needs and pests
Traditionally, garlic that is grown locally after the potato crop to benefit from the manure that was added to the previous potato crop, in this case simply by adding chemical fertilizer.
3. Climate requirements and sowing date:
Need plant garlic in the first stage of development to the atmosphere of cool somewhat, and a relatively short day in order to grow and have a large sum of vegetatively, allowing him to later large-scale capital formation.
While the needs in his second phase, a phase composition of the heads, to a temperature somewhat high, and relatively long day.
Experience has shown that garlic plants fail to Altbesil, ie, in the composition of heads, even if they encountered most appropriate conditions for them. Unless you know for a sufficient amount of cold during the first period of growth (lower temperature from 20 0) is the stage of vegetative growth.
It is also often caused by excess amounts of cold exposed plants distortions in the form of headers, the headers where they become irregular in shape, and consists of lobes of false legs for plants.
In climatic circumstances, lead to early agriculture with an opportunity for developing small plants that grow and grow vegetatively, and reach the appropriate size before the plants begin Baltbesil. The more shoots of the plant significantly, increased ability to representation and storage, as it leads to the large size of the headers, and increase the amount of the crop.
While late sowing results in delay Balinbat and small-scale capital formation is desirable - also lost on the plants often have access to sufficient cold temperatures and this leads to the failure of these plants in the composition of capital good.
Clear from the foregoing that the choice of the date of great importance to agriculture and the effects of a definite quantity and specifications of the crop output.
Accordingly, the time limit for garlic cultivation in the country varies according to regions of Agriculture:
In Damascus, for example is grown from mid-September and last until October, while in the Qalamoun implants starting in October and last until November.

4. Election and processing of seeds for agriculture: (seed)
Most garlic growers in the country to ensure the needs of seed for the farming of their own production.
It must be borne in mind when selecting seed the following:
• Headers must be taken from the fields of sound morbidity and insect and animal disease and hazardous Kalafn supply of roots and yellowing and nematodes, and others.
• elected heads of large-scale soft texture and the corresponding specification class.
• You must storing seed heads are complete and until the date of the indivisibility of Agriculture.
• You must use the large teeth in agriculture and the exclusion of small teeth and high and kind words.
5. Seed amount:
Vary the amount of seed required for the different varieties acres, when cultivation of varieties with big teeth you need a larger amount of seed in case of the varieties with small teeth, also vary depending on how agriculture and the distance between plants.
And generally required a donum, as varieties deployed in local agriculture, the following quantities:
Garlic Kiswani weight heads when agriculture and without thrones 50-60 kg
Garlic Yabrudi weight heads when agriculture and without thrones 80-100 kg
Garlic is the age when the great weight of heads of agriculture and without thrones 350-400 kg
6. Prepare the land for agriculture, and add fertilizers:
A - Agriculture Land:
In the summer: working the land are several times (twice at least) and are perpendicular to each other, to destroy the weeds and bury them in other plant residues in soil to degrade gradually.
In the fall: are tilling the soil and by the time of agriculture directly perpendicular to the cultivation of agriculture in the recent municipal compost is added to fermented up to 4-5 m 3 acres, and this depends on the degree of soil fertility and nutrient-rich, and the previous crop for agriculture.
May be sufficient in the case of garlic cultivation after the potato organic fertilizers added to the previous potato crop.
And add the prose on the soil surface, assigned amounts of fertilizer phosphorus and potassium and half part of the nitrogen fertilizer needed.
Being after working the land by plow or disc or plow Alcalitfatour normal mixing quantities of fertilizers added to soften the soil and increase soil so the soil is ready for planning in accordance with the proposed method of agriculture.
B - Planning Land:
Garlic is grown locally in beds prepared (river) and can be planted on furrows:
1 - Agriculture in the beds flat: you are dividing the land into beds different dimensions depending on the degree of Earth's equator (4x8 or more) and the amount of water available, by the so-called Palmzhaip or Almfalip and then set up irrigation channels and sub-to deliver water to all foundries prepared.
2 - Agriculture furrows: the earth is being planned to furrows dimension, including about 40-50 cm, and preferably in the direction of grooves North / South. Where agriculture on both sides of the groove. It is used to achieve normal or sulci (municipal plow) after the establishment of grooves being divided up the land to the beds, (basin) dimensions commensurate with the degree of Earth's equator (4x8 or more) are also being repaired and the establishment of aspects of the sulci sulci manually by Almzhaip missing.
Shall be left to the beginnings and ends of the grooves in the bed open for irrigation. Finally, set up irrigation channels and sub-order delivery of water to all foundries prepared.

6.Garlic is grown in one of the following methods:

1 - Agriculture in Brief:
After land preparation and the establishment of foundries flat, works by the age of ax or metaphase, in the foundries, shallow streams (5-6 cm) and distance between them about 20-25 cm, and then distributed the pins (cloves) so that the distance between the old and the other about 10 - 12 cm, and then covered with soil thickness of 4-5 cm during planting shall be the height of Age towards the top.
Can also be a municipal plow the same work by opening streams prepared surface within the foundries, and the cultivation takes place in the same manner as the previous distribution of teeth within the watercourse and covered with earth.

2 - Agriculture manner of doubt:
This method is suited to the way agricultural furrows. After land preparation and the establishment of foundries and the creation of the sulci, are agriculture on both sides of the bottom of the groove in the upper third of the groove so that the distance between the age and the other within the limits of 10-12 cm, in some cases grown top groove as well.
Taken into account during planting, as stated above to be the top age for the top and have a depth of Agriculture within the limits of 4-5 cm. Usually need to cultivate a donum of 4-6 workers.

3 - Agriculture Tgayta behind the plow and the municipal / Samad /:
In this way the line has grown and leave another without cultivation, so that the separation between the line and the other is about 25-30 cm.
Bmcn follow this method in the case of cultivation of garlic with a relatively large pins and shall be the distance between the age and the other is acceptable within the limits of 10-12 cm.
4 - Agriculture in a way prose:
After the last tillage of the land, set up foundries appropriate space, as well as irrigation canals, and then disperse so that the teeth are covered by Tzhev ground, usually after burying the teeth that remained visible on the surface of the soil after the process of Altazhev.
This must be when you follow any of the farming methods that returned the former landfill teeth that look like a phenomenon on the surface of the soil after the first Rip.
And generally in the field of agriculture must take into account the following aspects:

1) plant spacing and density of plants:
Different distances between plants and agriculture between the lines of agriculture, according to the size that will reach the plants, the variety and get more space in the large-size items and less in small-sized items.
This and the population density of plants affect the amount of crop output was found that the best numerical density is in the range 33-40 plants per square meter.
2) the depth of Agriculture:
Depth varies depending on the size of Age of agriculture, they are relatively deep for the varieties with big age and relatively shallow for varieties with a young age.
3) prefer to be planted in the land of garlic Msthrtp, containing a sufficient proportion of the moisture before planting and to ensure that sensitive Ttaiwiv the ground before planting and when they arrive to the point Alasthrat, prepares for agriculture, according to the method of agriculture, which will follow later.
II - Operations Service:

1 - Irrigation:
- Prior to germination:
Take into account the irrigation immediately after planting garlic directly, and then given after this Rip and so as to complement the germination of 2-3 Hiroshima.
Germination takes a long period of time varies depending on the temperature prevailing weather after planting, where delayed germination at low temperatures and speeds in high temperatures (higher than ° 15).
It generally takes from germination 3-5 weeks, and taken into account during this period, not to dry land so as to complement germination:
In winter: the land irrigated as needed so as not to allow soil moisture to stay away from the area of plant roots.
In the spring: cultivated fields irrigated regularly with different intervals between irrigations depending on the nature of the soil and the atmosphere (6-7 days in the occupied light 7-8 days in the land of heavy species).
The plants must be given the necessary amount of water, as the large number of water leading to the capital can not afford the storage configuration, also results in irregular irrigation to distort the form of headers and the emergence of vegetative Nmuat of teeth before the completion of the same composition.
Prevents irrigation when plants show signs of maturity, where continuing irrigation after blackening to the color of the headers may weaken or rot the storage efficiency.
2 - Hoeing and weeding:
Requires plant garlic implementation of several Nuts not only for the extermination of the herbs that grow between the plants between the recent and the other, its partner in their diet but also a view to disrupting and dismantling of the soil around plant roots, which stimulates growth and increases crop, and verify this process to maintain sewage intact in the case of Agriculture on the furrows.
Take into account the hoeing to be superficial as possible because the majority of active roots of the plant garlic exist and to some extent in the surface layer of soil, so deep grubbing leads to cutting the roots and weaken plants and thus to a lack of crop output.
The number of times hoeing and weeding to be held on the state of the Earth and the proportion of the herbs, and in general it is necessary 2-3 Nuts. Aezzqp first implemented when the plant height about 25 cm and implement other nuts as needed
3 - Fertilization:
The goal of fertilization is to secure the need for plant food and make the soil is lost from food as a result of agriculture, so different amounts of fertilizer to be added to the soil according to soil fertility of any content of elements fertilizer useful, in some fertile land could be obtained on the good harvest of garlic without the need to Tzmida.
And generally cooked by adding the following amounts of fertilizers:

Organic fertilizer:
Added to the land and farming before the last volume of 4-5 m3 of manure fermented.
Chemical fertilizer:
Nitrogen: It is recommended to add 45 kg of ammonia nitrate fertilizer mm 26% nitrogen. Or the equivalent of that amount from other nitrogenous fertilizers. Add half the amount at planting time, prose on the surface of the soil. In addition, the remaining prose down plants that agriculture was the furrows on the condition that does not come in contact with fertilizer plants, while in the case of agriculture in brief prose be added compost them and away from contact with plants and in the early spring and after the first Aezzqp.
 Take into account that irrigated land immediately after the chemical fertilizer.
 It is known that less vegetation response to nitrogen fertilization after the start configuration headers.

Phosphoric: It is recommended to add 20-25 kg of super phosphate fertilizer to three acres or the equivalent of that amount.
 Add the large amount of phosphorus fertilizer this land of sand and heavy as these amounts are added to the ground by the prose of Agriculture recently.
Albotami: It is recommended to add the amount of sulfate fertilizers, potash, 25 kg acre for farming before the last and with phosphorus fertilizer. 

7. Agriculture:

III - weaning, maturity and harvest
1 - maturity and weaning:
Deadline maturity depends on a number of factors, including: Category - Agriculture zone to some extent - weather conditions - soil type - levels of agricultural services.
Evidenced maturity marks the following:

1) shoot: Basfrar papers and is characterized by drought, summits and Antnaiha toward the ground.
2) Headers: characterized by the heads of mature garlic external sheath surrounding the teeth dry and the crust of the closed age be solid and fairly thin.
The time limit and weaning:
Hiroshima another date, showing signs of maturity on the shoot for about 80% of the plants. If given additional irrigations after the arrival of plants to this stage of maturity caused significant damage to the headers.
Overall, the garlic is cooked locally in the period from late May to late June, according to foregoing mentioned.
The Bakla some farmers plant early stage of maturity in order to take advantage of world prices at the beginning of the season where these plants are sold directly to the consumption of fresh and practical approach to storage is not useful, such as garlic, this due to the lack of maturity and high moisture content.
2 - Harvest (extraction):
After weaning at about 10-15 days of being uprooted plants that are still somewhat green so they can be linked or Dfarha in appropriate packages.
And mixed modes of extraction used by several considerations, including:
Nature of the soil, light or heavy, and the way agriculture, furrows, lines, prose, and labor, and the possibilities of farms and cultivated area.
Being uprooted garlic locally in some sort of land uses heavy ax, bitter spinal extraction plants in the same way that uses the Bakla onions.
May be used in municipal plow for this purpose.
Must be the process of extraction and the earth is still the appropriate amount of humidity / Frick / where the delay in the extraction plants after weaning leads to increased dryness of the soil and thus difficult to rip the plants from the soil and strip it of the soil particles sticking out, and lead to the disarmament portion of the outer casing of the head, which detract from the marketing specifications.
After extraction plants are tied in bundles or Dfarha appropriate to each of them - plants, and are sometimes linked to several small packages in the package relatively larger.
Taken into account during this process to exclude the headers of infected insects or diseases or wounded to protect heads of other good than harm.
3 - Drying:
And the location of the packages small threshing floor is exposed to sunlight and covered with Barroucha for a week to dry thrones and heads relatively preferably stirred from time to time so as not to rot the plants, then collected these packets in the ranks of an appropriate view about 50 cm and a height of 60 cm so that the presentations to be inside and heads out on the be left between rows of these corridors to allow ventilation and traffic.
Duration of the drying process takes 21-30 days as indicated by the end of the drought full necks of the plants.

4 - yield:
Vary depending on the amount of crop variety and the amount of care provided to the plants during their growth and overall quantity of the crop as follows:

       The amount of green crop yield dry
Kiswani garlic, garlic Yabrudi 2000 kg 1200 kg
Garlic with the big teeth 3000 kg 2000 kg

IV - Storage
Garlic is usually stored in refrigerated warehouses to low temperature ranging between 29-32 ° F. At a relative humidity of $ 70-75%.
And stores the garlic locally in the stores normal in temperature and humidity, the regular, so that put packages we obviously horizontally over each other on wooden planks to isolate it from ground moisture and are among the heads of the outside and thrones / Total paper of the packet / of the inside of that left between these rows corridors enough to display that allows ventilation and traffic .
Ventilation windows are open is sad that must be sufficient in the days sunny and dry and close on rainy days and hours and hours of the night fog.
And that the success of the store garlic in the local conditions must take into account the following:
1 - To be prepared for the storage of garlic full maturity: It is established that garlic is mature Aikhozn for long and soon is bound to damage as a result of rapid mold diseases and others.
2 - that are being dried for a sufficient degree and correctly Valrwos incomplete drying damage and rot quickly.
3 - The exclusion headers and sort the wounded, injured, diseases and insects is necessary to prevent the heads of sound during the storage of infection with these lesions.
4 - take into account the storage room to be well-ventilated room and Poor ventilation, especially in the case of storage of garlic throne leads to rot and decomposition of the throne and then attack the causes of mold and destruction of the capital.

V. - agricultural pests:
Infected garlic many agricultural pests.
1 - Pest sick: them white Zoghbi - reflect the roots - rust - yellow and others.
2 - Insecticides: including TRIPS - of - the onion fly.
3 - other agricultural: including a red spider - Nematodes

The following is an explanation of the most important of these lesions in terms of symptoms of infection and resistance.
A - pathological lesions:
1 - White Zoghbi:
Symptoms: The disease is characterized by the appearance of superficial growth Oourgoani or purple color with a fluffy nature of the older leaves near the Parties - the affected areas become yellow and then wilt and dry leaves from the parties and towards the base.
Weakness resulting from injury to plants and therefore the small size of the headers and poor storage characteristics.
Fit the spread of the disease is very damp night slash for the cooler filled with warm overcast day.
Resistance: the use of fungicides such as Daethein 22 m by 2-2.5 per thousand and repeat spray every 7-10 days. Daethein g or 78% by 0.5% with the material once the publisher of the emergence of the first symptoms of infection. Repeat the spray every week to two weeks time.
2 - Rust:
Symptoms: The disease is characterized by the appearance of small pustules high accurate texture red to orange pustules appear from other granular texture to be covered with a black skin of the plant. Fit the spread of disease - high temperature and dew somewhat thick.
Resistance: Daethein spraying with 22 m by 0.25 Oz 78% with the addition of an adhesive material such as Ajral by 0.1% or 0.25% Triton.
3 - reflect the roots:
Symptoms: The disease is characterized Basfrar roots first and then read the color magenta and shrink and die, giving the impact on plant roots become new again and die and so on. Which is caused by the weakness of large plants and the lack of crop.
B - insect pests:

Symptoms: small insect-sized 1-1.2 mm long with light brown exist between the strength of the new securities they suck plant sap causing parking and plant growth and Asfrarh and hanging leaves and crumple up and this causes a poor harvest and poor qualities.
Resistance: 57% used malathion spraying on the shoots of the plant at a rate of 30-40 g cans shall be returned to operation after a week. The process must be repeated more than once. According to the spraying to this article in aphid resistance, if any.
C - other pests:
Red Spider:
Symptoms: Plant sap is fed by absorbing Securities Faisfr green color and then change color after the color white to gray and then wither and dry.
Resistance: Baltdion spraying oil shale power 8% by 250 cm 3 per hundred liters of water every three weeks from the appearance of injury.
Or the use of Alcalthein Kalthane by 2.5 per thousand. You can follow this method in the case of cultivation of garlic with a relatively large pins and shall be the distance between the age and the other is acceptable within the limits of 10-12 cm.

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